Currently viewing the tag: "vegan"
We’ve had extremely unusual weather(天気) for our area this winter(冬). We don’t have any snow(雪) yet, but it’s still been bitterly cold most days- so what better way to keep warm then some hot(暑い) ramen, kanji study, and tea!
This recipe (料理法) is great if you’re vegetarian or if you have a problem with lactose, […]
Learning Japanese At Home
Our goal for Kanji & Tea, aside from sharing our struggles and successes, is to help provide the everyday person with all the tools necessary to learn Japanese on their own through everyday immersion.
No Excuses
How did you learn your first language? Hands on and not through a text book! You listened, you watched, you absorbed. Well, what's stopping you from learning your second or third language that way? The answer is nothing.
You have everything you need to get started. All that's left is to just start.
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